Who we are

We help a dynamic bus and coach industry to provide better journeys for all, creating greener communities and delivering economic growth. We do this by representing around 900 members from across the industry be they large or small, bus or coach, operator or supplier.

We use our influence to campaign for a supportive policy environment, give our members practical advice and support to run their businesses safely, compliantly and efficiently and bring the industry together to share ideas and best practice. We’re ambitious to make things better for passengers, inclusive in seeking out different perspectives and we’re always there when our members need us.

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What we do

We influence governments, provide technical & operational support, regional support & representation for our members, and commercial partnerships, all for the benefit of our members.

We are led by three central decision-making committees made up of elected regional and national representatives who direct CPT and set out the organisation's key policy objectives and asks of government.

Compliance Manual

Our online Compliance Manual is a comprehensive member only resource providing essential assistance to bus and coach operators in order to help them run their businesses in a safe and compliant manner.

The Manual is split into 16 easy to search chapters, each offering detailed information and advice on key issues, including: changes to legislation; the requirements that must be met in order to hold an operator (O) licence; bus registration obligations; the approval, inspection and maintenance of vehicles and engineering matters; driver and employment issues; health & safety responsibilities; advice for taking groups and vehicles abroad and much more.

The Compliance Manual is a dynamic document constantly updated to reflect any changes to legislation, regulations and guidance affecting operators.

News & releases

Latest industry developments

CPT responds to DVLA glucose monitoring consultation

December 09 2024

CPT has responded to the DVLA's consultation on glucose monitoring, in support of proposals to allow Group 2 drivers to use continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGMS) for driving.

CPT responds to latest Annual Bus Statistics

November 27 2024

CPT's response the DFT's publication of annual statistics on local buses in Great Britain for the year ending March 2024.

National Insurance rise will mean a £100m bill for bus operators

November 25 2024

Operators such as Nottingham City Transport will be hit hard by higher employment costs in the Budget

Join CPT today

Membership of CPT gives you full access to a wide range of exclusive membership benefits and services. Annual subscriptions are calculated based on operators' fleets and suppliers' work within the bus and coach industries.

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